Ode to Subway


To some you are just a sandwich shop, a lunch break last resort

But to us, the students of Ole Miss, you are so much more

To us, you are not a stop along the way but a destination

Your abundance of toppings is our fascination

Your crisp lettuce and juicy tomatoes are the satisfaction that we need after a trek across The Grove

The aroma of fresh bread baking is what makes us call the Union “home”

Your Italian BMT gives me life

The way you fill me up for such a low price.

“Chips and a drink?” is never a question

When it is you that I’m digesting

Your fresh-baked cookies are my fave

Those, my sweet tea, and my Kettle Cooked Lays

We’ll be sad when you’re gone. Won’t you miss us too?

When the Union reopens and everything is new

It’ll be great, I know, but I can’t ignore

I’ve never seen a line quite like yours before

Right out the door and straight past the stairs

All the Ole Miss students waiting to get theirs

Life won’t be the same without you, Subway

I hope you come back again someday

Rachel Vanderford

Rachel Vanderford is a senior Integrated Marketing Communication major. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, listening to punk rock music and playing with her cat, Dinah.

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