Being a full-time college student is stressful enough, but add to that a global pandemic and strict social distancing guidelines, and things can get a little crazy. The routine I have had for two years has been turned on its head. Each day brings a new challenge, and with it, new questions, mainly “how” and “why?” Yet, I am proud of how I have found joy in the small moments and tailored my COVID experience into something I will never forget.
8 A.M. – I start my days bright and early with a shower and breakfast. I am living in Alpha Phi, my sorority house, this year which means there is always food in the kitchen. Most of the time, I grab eggs and toast. I grab a Pop-Tart if I am running late.

Every morning, I use my phone to record
a daily newscast for Rebel Radio.
9 A.M. – I record my daily news broadcast for Rebel Radio, where I am the News Director. Due to social distancing guidelines, I am often unable to record in the studio. Instead, I find a quiet corner in the chapter room to do my work.
9:30 A.M. – It is time to go to class, which means pulling out my computer and opening Zoom. I have faced my fair share of struggles with online school. I miss walking around campus and seeing my classmates in person. Still, my professors have been great about helping us navigate the platform and are always there if we need them. My favorite courses this semester are my Digital Story Production and World War I classes.

10 A.M. – I like to take a break in-between classes to listen to my radio broadcast.
12 A.M. – After my morning classes, I go back down to the kitchen for lunch. The best part of everyone’s classes being online is that my sorority sisters are always home. I have loved being able to eat, study, hang out, and watch movies together. For us, the pandemic has really brought us closer. Today’s meal is Chipotle Bowls and, not to brag, but I think I make the best one.
2 portions of brown rice (about 1 cup)
½ cup of cooked steak
½ cup of corn and salsa
½ cup of vegetables
1/3 cup of sour cream
½ cup of guac
Mix it up and enjoy!

2:00 p.m. – Now that classes are over for the day, I start working on my extracurricular activities. I am in several on-campus organizations. I love the work I do for each of them. You will find me either working on my sorority’s monthly newsletter, creating graphics for Cardinal Club, writing articles for the Yearbook, recording broadcasts, or completing homework.
4:00 p.m. – Around this time, I like to grab a snack from the kitchen. Some of my favorite quarantine snacks include Smartfood popcorn, granola bars, or pretzels.
6:00 p.m. – On Mondays, 6 p.m. means chapter after dinner. We have the best kitchen that serves delicious meals. Tonight, we ate honey glazed chicken. After that, it is back to studying and spending time with friends.

8 p.m. – I like to start getting ready for bed at this time. One thing that I have found very helpful during the pandemic is journaling. Every night, I write a page of thoughts and ideas to get them out of my head and onto paper. Not only is it a great way to wind down at the end of the day, but it is also a time capsule to remember what I was feeling in the past.
My schedule is certainly different from years past. In this new normal, there are many more Zoom calls and much more time at home. Despite the hardship, this year has created some unforgettable memories. I am grateful for the time with my friends and the opportunities I have had to get involved on campus. I am still staying busy and doing the things I love. Thanks for coming along on a day in my life.
Story By Hayden Wiggs